Aphrodite Creates Gallery features the most innovative, cutting edge artwork from an esteemed new artists in a curated collection of iconic art. Our expansive displays offer an array of styles and techniques, resulting in a stimulating and unique gallery experience.

Join independent contemporary artists showcasing their unique artworks on a secure global shopping platform. Become a part of a trusted, iconic contemporary arts brand for the ultimate global reach. 

Get the publishing services you need to succeed in today’s marketplace. Aphrodite Creates offers book editing, cover design, formatting, marketing and PR plus retain royalties and creative rights. Capture a global readership under a trusted prestigious arts brand.

Aphrodite Creates Professional script editing services offers industry-standard formatting, story to script conversions, adaptations and script reports. From concept to completion with expertise in film, tv & radio scripts. Contact us today!

Aphrodite creates Media is at the forefront of contemporary arts. Our magazine, podcasts and YouTube channel provide a unique perspective on the latest art happenings around the world.

We offer top quality educational services to creative and arts-loving individuals in contemporary art, creative business, scriptwriting, creative writing and poetry. Our courses are taught by highly qualified professionals with Masters and above.

Aphrodite Creates is a full-service branding, marketing and sales agency that can help you create beautiful designed web sites, with full content creation, SEO and effective social media campaigns to reach your target audience, grow your following and maximise your business. 

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